14 - 15 May 2024 BUENOS AIRES
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Hilton Buenos Aires


Buenos Aires 2024 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS


The Gateway to sports business within the Americas

SPORTEL Rendez-vous dedicated to the Americas relocates to a brand-new destination. After numerous successful editions in Miami, SPORTEL returns to South America and landed for the very first time, in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 14 to 15 May 2024, at Hilton Buenos Aires.

“Developing the Americas market as a whole is one of our priorities. South America only represents 5% of SPORTEL’s participants. The potential for development is huge. We are delighted to be able to offer our community new networking and business opportunities with top-tier industry executives in Buenos Aires, a global sports capital and a focal point of this flourishing market,” stated Laurent Puons, CEO of Monaco Mediax.

To organise this first Rendez-vous in Argentina, SPORTEL is joining forces with valuable partners who have an impressive background in the sports industry and with event production: J & S EG, represented by Jorge Strika and Sebastian Ibarrondo, together with Lions Sports & Media, represented by Daniel Tamborini and Martín Rey as well as ProEnter, represented by Javier Schmidt and Diego Avila. Bamboo Business, represented by Marta Ortega, with a great track record in the commercialization of such events, joined them for this purpose.

SPORTEL Buenos Aires Rendez-vous team

Jorge Strika commented “It’s really challenging and exciting to organize such an event in my home country”. To his words Daniel Tamborini added “I attended SPORTEL in Monaco several times, and it’s amazing not only to bring it to Buenos Aires, but also to be a part of the organization.” Sebastian Ibarrondo who has been to many sports industry events said, “SPORTEL Rendez-vous Buenos Aires has been unique, because it brought the best trends, and also adds the passion of South American sports to the mix.” Marta Ortega, who made the connection between Monaco Mediax and J & S EG, concluded: "I'm very grateful to both parties for their trust and support from the very beginning and I'm thrilled to be working together on this exciting project.

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